The CU Rugby Legacy (CURL) Endowment was officially founded in 2021. The endowment has been established with the primary purpose of sustainably supporting the current University of Colorado Men's Rugby team. Learn more below about the endowment, FAQs and more.
The Endowment Today
The Endowment currently boasts a $75,000 balance (and growing). We have donors who have committed to contributing over $75,000 over the next three years.
In total, CURL's Endowment balance and committed donations sits at $120,000. We have had amazing support so far from some keystone alumni. That being said, we are seeking your support to help us reach our next milestone.
The Next Milestone
Our next milestone is to raise $200,000 for the CURL endowment. Our first milestone has been achieved, and by doing so, the endowment is able to start earning interest on our cornerstone funds. As the endowment contributions increase, the interest earning potential increases as well.
This is CURL's third milestone for the endowment. Why $1,000,000?
The CU Men's Rugby team has an estimated current annual operating budget of $60,000. Currently, this is funded through the following:
Player Dues
Outside donor groups focused on marketing
One off donations
Our goal as it stands today is to support the current annual operating budget. If the endowment has $1,000,000 in invested funds, we have an estimated annual production of $60,000 by way of the endowment's interest.
CURL was established to support the CU Men's Rugby team. In light of this, the endowment at $1,000,000 is positioned to best do this. At this stage, we can fund the team's annual operating budget or look to frontiers like scholarships or other much wanted items.
You can join us by attending our events which are in the Spring and Fall of each year or by coming and supporting the current CU Men's Rugby Team.
If you would like to contribute financially to CURL, we are a 501c3 and all proceeds go to fund the current CU Men's Rugby Team.
Where are the funds invested?The funds are invested with our financial advisor at Four Points Wealth Management through a Fidelity Investment account. He is a Certified Financial Planner® and a University of Colorado Alumni. Our financial advisor presented CURL with several investment strategies. Currently, CURL has selected a strategy that aligns with our growth goals for the endowment. The investment strategy is subject to change in the future as we progress through the management of the endowmment.
Can I designate where my donation goes and what it is used for?You can designate your preferred location of the funds. However, CURL uses the discretion of the board to appropriate funds for the organization. So far, the bulk of the funds that have been requested to be directed to the endowment have done so. However, CURL has minimal operating expenses such as our website, payment processing fees and the Alumni weekend which come into account when managing the donations and where they are sent. Donations can not be earmarked for a specific use. Meaning, if donor designates that all funds from their donation must go to the team's new jerseys, that is not something CURL does. CURL is open to discussing your requests and would welcome you contact us at with these specific inquires.
When will the team see the proceeds from the endowment's interest?Currently our goal is to keep all interest proceeds re-invested in the endowment in order to grow the endowment as quickly as possible. Items like this are reviewed on a regular basis though.
How is the endowment governed?The endowment is structured with an Investment Policy Statement (IPS). This document alongside the direction of the CURL board help to govern the direction of the endowment. Our IPS can be provided upon request.
What is the fund's investment strategy?Our investment strategy is a Core Balanced Growth strategy. It is a dynamic investment portfolio using exchange traded funds (ETFs) to achieve the goals of the Fund. The portfolio is focused on growth with an secondary objective of managing risk. With the timeline and objectives of the Fund, the Fund can benefit from economic and stock market growth. The current structure of the portfolio is roughly 75% equities and 25% bonds. While this allocation is subject to change over time, it is well diversified across sectors, asset classes, and investment types.
What is the projected timeline for the endowment to start generating proceeds to the team?Our current goal is a 5 year roadmap to reach our next milestone of $200,000. At this point, we will evaluate if it is appropriate to distribute funds to the team. From here, we have another 5 year timeline to reach our third milestone of $1,000,000. Our prospectus and projections can be provided upon request.